12 Divisional tests, 6 Revision tests and 7 Grand tests for Group-3 Panchayati secretary Screening test
Are you preparing for APPSC Group-3 Panchayati Secretary test?
Do you wish to prepare at home?
Do you afraid about your Preparation?
Then don't worry. NavaCHAITANYA Competitions Brings you a good solution for this. We Provide you good schedule, Good standard Practices tests as a "Practice tests Series" You will receive 12 Divisional Tests, 6 Revision tests and 7 Grand tests in this Programme for just Rs. 250 Only.
Make your Payment of Rs. 250 and Register for Group-3 Panchayati Secretary Practice tests series with the given link below
For more information Please contact us
NavaCHAITANYA Competitions,
West Godavari District,
Ph: 9441687174
email: menavachaitayam@gmail.com
Do you wish to prepare at home?
Do you afraid about your Preparation?
Then don't worry. NavaCHAITANYA Competitions Brings you a good solution for this. We Provide you good schedule, Good standard Practices tests as a "Practice tests Series" You will receive 12 Divisional Tests, 6 Revision tests and 7 Grand tests in this Programme for just Rs. 250 Only.
Make your Payment of Rs. 250 and Register for Group-3 Panchayati Secretary Practice tests series with the given link below
For more information Please contact us
NavaCHAITANYA Competitions,
West Godavari District,
Ph: 9441687174
email: menavachaitayam@gmail.com
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